sexta-feira, 7 de junho de 2013

Contact Details / About myself

Nowadays I'm a first-year PhD student in Computer Science at Newcastle University. Previously, I did a MSc at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE, 2012 - Brazil) under supervision of Juliano Iyoda, and a BSc in Computer Science at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA, 2010 - Brazil) with conclusion work under supervision of Adolfo Duran and Aline Andrade. You can find and download some the papers I published through links on my Research Gate's profile.  More details about me are available at my profissional profile in Linkedin.

My master's dissertation title is Behavioural Preservation in Fault Tolerant Patterns and can be download from here. In order to read just the abstract, see this post. During the masters I published part of the disseration on the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (link). An extended version of this paper is under revision for publication in the Science of Computer Programming Journal.

My BSc's dissertation is entitled Formal Verification of the Scheduler and Synchronous Message System of a Simple Kernel (original title: Verificação formal do escalonador e do sistema de troca de mensagens síncronas de um simple kernel) and is only available in portuguese. You can download the text from this link.

In order to contact me you can post a comment in this blog. By doing it I will receive an email with your post and make effort to answer your post as soon as possible. I've regarded to translate this blog to english, as a great number of visitors are from countries where english is spoken, however I haven't had time to do it so far.

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